Monday, January 16, 2012

iPhones finally!

Exciting news!!!
Guess who's getting me an iPhone 4S???
My dear sweet husband.
Yes I know, we are so far behind everyone and probably the last people to be getting these,
but I can't help but be excited.

I found a really cool site, Society 6, with hundreds + hundreds + hundreds of iPhone cases.
Here are a few that I liked...
No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

No. 8

No. 9


I think I've decided on No. 4, but I really like all of these.
My phone will be here Wednesday...
Here's to looking forward to exciting packages in the mail.
That is one of my favorite things!!!



  1. Oh those are so neat!! Excited for you! You have got to join in on Instagram!!! :)

  2. yes for sure. I'm planning on it:)

  3. Oh so fun! I love all the cases. #4 looks like you. And you're not the very last in line to go smart phone. But next month we have an I will be joining you!!

  4. Love number one. What is the site?

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