"...growth is fueled by desire and innocence.
assess the answer not the question.
imagine learning throughout your life at the rate of an infant."
-bruce mau
I have to be intentional about personal growth, in every area of my life.
I have to be pursposeful. I have to choose to learn, choose to expand my knowledge, skills,
mind, creativity...on a daily basis.
Ever since I finished school, where I was forced to grow, learn, and expand my mind everyday,
it's been a challenge. It's easy and comfortable to just stay where you're at.
But I think life is too short to do so.
Sometimes I miss that feeling the most of my time in college. That wonderful feeling of accomplishment, of achieving something difficult, new, something I never thought I could do.
I want to be a student forever, even if I'm not in school.
Although, secretly, I think I hope to be in school again one day.
We shall see what the future holds.
We have family coming into town this weekend which always makes for a better, shorter week.
Cheers for now,
I totally agree about your comments on personal growth.. I never want to be stagnant.. I want there to always be something new & interesting to write or converse with others about.